Golfing Friends

Created by David 5 years ago
Although Richard and I did not meet until we had both retired from the RAF, we were immediately able to build upon the shared camaraderie that service life engenders.  This was all the easier because we were both administrative officers who had dealt with many similar issues and could swap stories about what had happened, about how bizarre some things can be, and what we had done to get things back on even keel.  In addition, it turned out that we were both keen golfers.  Keen enough that we played to win, but not so keen that winning was more important than taking part and having a good time.  For the record, Richard and I were roughly 50:50 as to who won and lost.  For my part, I consider it a "win" that I got to meet Richard and Maureen, and I will remember him fondly as I play the occasional good shot and know that he would have said "well done" and then proceeded to better me. With warmest regards, David and Maureen Lyons.